Leopards are great and powerful giant cats that are closely related to lions, tigers and jaguars.
They live in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, India and China. Many populations of leopards are endangered, especially those found outside Africa.
Life expectancy for males is 12 years, for females is 16 years.
The leopard is an animal like the tiger but the spots on the skin are different, because the leopards spots are more rounded, and small joints.
The weight of the leopards can vary between 30 and 60 kg.
It has small ears and long tail, similar to the tail of a cat.
It is always said that the wild cat and leopard animal are very similar physically.
There also a black leopard spotted circles as very difficult to see.
From the trees, leopards are also able to hunt. At night they also tend to hunt. They catch antelopes, pigs and deer making furtive movements in the tall glass. When he meets human settlements, leopards often attack dogs and from time to time, some human. Females can have babies at any time of year and usually have two. The mother often hides in a safe place until they are old enough to start learning. The young live with their mothers for about two years. Apart from these, leopards are solitary animals.
there is a leopard sleeping
on a tree branch.